Rules, policies, and contractual agreements between the tour operator and its customers.

                                                                                         ---- TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR NORTHERN LIGHTS CHASE BY MINIBUS ----

Thank you for choosing Enter Adventures for your Northern Lights Chase experience. By participating in our tours, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

1. Photography
• We capture memorable moments during our tours and provide you with JPEG format photos in web resolution within 1-2 days.
• You will have the chance to purchase the high resolution for your pictures if you want to print them.
• Please note that all photo rights are reserved by Enter Adventures, and resale of these photos is strictly prohibited.
• We may use tour photos for promotional purposes across various media. If you prefer not to be featured, kindly notify us in advance.
• You are welcome to use the photos for personal purposes, including sharing them on your personal social media accounts.

2. Health Considerations
• It's important to inform us of any medical conditions that could affect your participation in the tour.
• In the event of physical or psychological conditions that make participation unsafe, Enter Adventures reserves the right to decline or cancel your booking, providing a full refund in such cases.

3. Liability
• Enter Adventures Tours is not responsible for losses, damages, accidents, injuries, illnesses, or schedule changes due to weather conditions, strikes, or factors beyond our control.
• While we take precautions to protect you and your belongings, personal events or damages occurring outside the tour's itinerary are not within our liability.
• Please treat our equipment with care. You will be responsible for covering the costs of avoidable damage, including thermal suit (2000 NOK), thermal boots (1500 NOK), tripod (1000 NOK), headlamps (1000 NOK) and gloves (500 nok).
• Enter Adventures Tours acts in good faith and is not liable for actions, defaults, or delays of third-party agents, hotels, coach operators, tour guides, or other entities. We strongly recommend comprehensive travel insurance to cover potential contingencies.

4. Pick-Up and Drop-Off
• Our pick-up location is at Kaigata 2B, 9008 Tromsø.

5. Cancellation Policy
• If you need to cancel your booked tour, our policy is as follows:
• More than 24 hours notice before the tour: 100% refund.
• Less than 24 hours notice before the tour: no refund.
To refund you need to send an email with your booking reference (ex: SHBH55) and your name at
• Enter Adventures Tours may cancel a tour due to safety concerns or low chances of witnessing the Northern Lights, providing a full refund.
• No refunds for late arrivals (more than 15 minutes) or missed pick-ups.
• No refunds if we don't encounter the Northern Lights.
• Cash refunds available only if the tour was initially paid for in cash.6. Respect for Others and Nature
• Please refrain from disturbing wildlife or nature during our tours. Littering is strictly prohibited.
• Alcohol consumption is not allowed during transportation or during the tour.

7. Minimum Age
• The minimum age for tour participants is 7 years old.

8. Clothing
• Appropriate clothing is essential for a comfortable tour experience. If you have questions about what to wear, please contact us for clothing guidelines.
• Enter Adventures Tours is not responsible for inadequate clothing chosen by participants.

By participating in an Enter Adventures Tour, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Please review them carefully and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to providing you with an unforgettable natural experience.

                                                                                                       ---- TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR NORTHERN LIGHTS CHASE BY BUS ----

Thank you for choosing Enter Adventures for your Northern Lights Chase experience. By participating in our tours, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

1. Photography
• We capture memorable moments during our tours and you will have the chance to purchase the high resolution for your pictures within 1-2 days.
• Please note that all photo rights are reserved by Enter Adventures, and resale of these photos is strictly prohibited.
• We may use tour photos for promotional purposes across various media. If you prefer not to be featured, kindly notify us in advance.
• You are welcome to use the photos for personal purposes, including sharing them on your personal social media accounts.

2. Health Considerations
• It's important to inform us of any medical conditions that could affect your participation in the tour.
• In the event of physical or psychological conditions that make participation unsafe, Enter Adventures reserves the right to decline or cancel your booking, providing a full refund in such cases.

3. Liability
• Enter Adventures Tours is not responsible for losses, damages, accidents, injuries, illnesses, or schedule changes due to weather conditions, strikes, or factors beyond our control.
• While we take precautions to protect you and your belongings, personal events or damages occurring outside the tour's itinerary are not within our liability.
• Please treat our equipment with care. You will be responsible for covering the costs of avoidable damage, Tripod (1000 NOK), headlamps (1000 NOK) and gloves (500 nok).
• Enter Adventures Tours acts in good faith and is not liable for actions, defaults, or delays of third-party agents, hotels, coach operators, tour guides, or other entities. We strongly recommend comprehensive travel insurance to cover potential contingencies.

4. Pick-Up and Drop-Off
• Our pick-up location is at Samuel Arnesens gate 7, 9008 Tromsø.

5. Cancellation Policy
• If you need to cancel your booked tour, our policy is as follows:
• More than 24 hours notice before the tour: 100% refund.
• Less than 24 hours notice before the tour: no refund.
To refund you need to send an email with your booking reference (ex: SHBH55) and your name at
• Enter Adventures Tours may cancel a tour due to safety concerns or low chances of witnessing the Northern Lights, providing a full refund.
• No refunds for late arrivals (more than 15 minutes) or missed pick-ups.
• No refunds if we don't encounter the Northern Lights.
• Cash refunds available only if the tour was initially paid for in cash.6. Respect for Others and Nature
• Please refrain from disturbing wildlife or nature during our tours. Littering is strictly prohibited.
• Alcohol consumption is not allowed during transportation or during the tour.

7. Minimum Age
•There is no minimum age requirement. However, you must inform us of your child's age and weight so we can provide an appropriate seat based on their size.
•If this information is not provided, the driver reserves the right to deny boarding.To provide the age and weight of your child, please send an email with your booking reference (e.g., SHBH55) and your name to at least 4 hours before departure.

8. Clothing
• Appropriate clothing is essential for a comfortable tour experience. Please dress warmly for our Northern Lights tour, including thermal wear, a winter coat, hat, gloves, and boots. This will help you stay comfortable and fully enjoy the Arctic experience.
• Enter Adventures Tours is not responsible for inadequate clothing chosen by participants.

By participating in an Enter Adventures Tour, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Please review them carefully and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to providing you with an unforgettable natural experience.

Terms & Conditions for Silent Whale Watching and Arctic Fjord Cruise

This tour is running by our partner Brim Explorer here you can read some of their Terms & Conditions:By booking those excursions  you agree to the following terms and conditions.
Please read them carefully:
1. Personal Data Usage:
•You consent to the use of your personal data for booking and promotional purposes.
•You confirm that you have read and understand our data policy.
•If sharing personal data on behalf of others, ensure you have their prior consent.

2. Reservations:
•Ensure accuracy when filling booking documents.
•Upon full payment and receipt of your booking, Brim Explorer will confirm your booking within 24 hours.Special terms may apply to some promotions.

3. Payment:
•Full payment is required before the excursion begins.
•Pricing is final and includes all applicable fees and taxes.
•Payment is online via credit card.

4. Cancellation Policy:
•Cancellation must be done via the "manage my booking" link or in writing to
•Cancellation policy for individual reservations (up to 9 participants):
      More than 48 hours in advance - 100% refund.
      Less than 48 hours in advance - No refund.
Cancellation policy for group reservations (10 or more participants):
    15 days or more in advance - 100% refund.
     14 to 8 days in advance - 50% refund.
     7 or fewer days in advance - No refund.
     Up to 8 days in advance - Max 25% reduction of participants.
•No refund for no-shows or unfit passengers.
•Changes are subject to availability and approval by Brim Explorer.

5. Trip Cancellation by Brim Explorer:
•Brim Explorer strives not to cancel tours but may do so due to force majeure or unforeseen circumstances.
•Minimum participant requirements apply.

6. Refund Policy:
•Refunds, if applicable, may take up to seven (7) working days to process.

7. Guarantees:
•Natural phenomena and wildlife sightings are not guaranteed.

8. Medical Issues:
•You must be fit for the excursion and inform Brim Explorer of any medical conditions.
•All excursions are wheelchair-accessible.

9. Insurance:
•You are responsible for obtaining travel and health insurance.

10. Complaints and Claims:
•Claims or complaints must be made within 7 days of the event.
•Provide sufficient details and evidence for investigation.

11. Exemption of Liability:
•Brim Explorer is not liable for events beyond its control.
•Brim Explorer is not responsible for services provided by third-party service providers.

12. Privacy/Data Policy:
•You must provide accurate personal data for booking purposes.
•Your data will be used for booking and promotional purposes.
•Personal data may be shared with service providers and stored for up to 12 months.
•You have rights regarding access, rectification, erasure, and consent withdrawal.
•If sharing data on behalf of others, ensure their prior consent.

13. Imagery:
•Brim Explorer may use images or video of participants for lawful purposes.

14. Jurisdiction:
•All bookings and terms are subject to Norwegian Law.

Please review these terms and conditions and ensure your understanding and compliance.
*More infornations Terms & Conditions BRIM Explorer

Terms & Conditions for Whale & Arctic Wildlife Safari, Fun & Easy Dog sledding , Dog sledding Adventure, Reindeer Sledding, Ice Domes & Reindeer visit, Snowmobiling, Package Snowshoeing, Ice Domes and Reindeer.

These tours are running by our partner Norwegian Travel here you can read some of their Terms & Conditions:

Cancellation policy

- More than 30 days: Free cancellation
- 15 to 30 days: 50% of the total price will be charged
- 14 days or less/no show: No refund

Refund policy
After receiving the cancellation email NTC will verify suchcancellation and write back to you. Should your cancellation come within thetimelines set out above entitling you to a refund of the whole or part of thebooking fees paid by you, NTC will request your banking details in order for usto make the refund.
NTC will require a minimum of seven (7) working days for anyrefunds to be made, after receiving the cancellation email.

NTC does not guarantee whale sightings on our whale watchingovernight stay(s) and/or activity(s), even though chances of seeing whales are high. NTC will do our utmost to spot the whales.

Medical issues
You are required to consider the nature of the overnightstay(s) and/or activity(s) and ensure that you are fit to participate in theovernight stay(s) and/or activity(s).
You shall advise NTC in writing, prior to booking, of anyphysical or mental condition which you may have and require specific medicationor special equipment. You shall be responsible for bringing such medication andequipment for the overnight stay(s) and/or activity(s). Please note that notall of our overnight stay(s) and/or activity(s) are wheelchair accessible.

The client is responsible for obtaining full travel andhealth insurance and shall ensure that all persons on behalf of whom the clientis making the booking with us has also obtained all necessary insurances.

Complaints and claims
NTC shall attend to any claims and/or complaints of theclient in respect of the services provided which are brought to its notice assoon as possible and in no event later that 7 days from the date of occurrenceof such event giving rise to such claim or compliant. The claim or complaintshall be provided with sufficient details and available evidence in order for NTC to investigate into the matter.
NTC shall not be held liable in the event of the client’sfailure to lodge in his/her complaint within such a time limit.

Exemption of liability
NTC is not liable , and will not compensate you, where theperformance of NTC's obligations is hampered or affected by any event beyondour reasonable control, (including any injury, loss or damage to person orproperty, death, delay or inconvenience in connection with the provision of, orfailure to provide, any goods or services occasioned by or resulting from, butnot limited to force majeure. Force majeure shall include, but is not limitedto, hindrance preventing fulfilment which is beyond the Party's control andwhich the Party reasonably could not be expected to have taken into account atthe entry into of the Contract or when the obligation was incurred, such as waror threat of war, riots, civil strife, government actions, terrorism,industrial disputes, extreme weather conditions, epidemics fire, road closures, pilferage, quarantines, dangers incident to sea, land and air travel.
NTC, while facilitating the services of Service Providers,is not responsible for the services provided by the Service Providers as theyare beyond the control of NTC. Therefore, the client agrees that NTC shall notbe responsible for any wrongful or negligent acts, omissions, or failure to actof any suppliers such as those of surface, air, and water transportation,sightseeing overnight stay(s) and/or activity(s), cruise/hotel accommodations,or of any third party not owned or operated by NTC. By utilizing the travelservices of the Service Providers, you agree that you will look to the ServiceProvider for any accident, injury, property damage, or personal loss to you orto those traveling with you, and that neither NTC nor any representative of NTCshall be responsible or liable for the same.
However, should you need assistance with a claim orcomplaint you may have against Service Provider, NTC may, without anyobligation on its part, assist you with notifying the Service Provider of yourclaim.

Privacy/data policy
You are required to provide full and accurate details in the form required by us in order for us to process your booking and perform our obligations under the contract.
Personal information provided by you will be used for thepurposes of facilitating your booking(s). NTC may also use your personal datafor promoting our products and services. When consent is required by law, NTCwill obtain your consent prior to using your personal data for marketingpurposes. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
For more Information about the processing of your personaldata and your rights, NTC refers to the privacy policy on NTCs websites.
Furthermore, you confirm that any personal information ordata you are sharing on behalf of another person for booking purposes, havebeen obtained with the prior consent of such person, who has apprisedhimself/herself of the booking terms and conditions and privacy policy of NTCand is aware of their rights in respect of such data provided to us.
NTC reserves the right to use images or video of you for any lawful purpose,including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising,and Web content. When consent is required by law, NTC will obtain your consentprior to any publishing.
*More infornations Terms & Conditions Norwegian Travel